How one father used Father & Child Reunion

Dr. Farrell,

I had been deprived of seeing my daughter for five long and challenging months (from September 2006 to February 2007). When I was reunited with her I could only cry in happiness.

I have no words to express to you how much your book, Father and Child Reunion, has meant to my life—and now to my daughter’s life as well. It and a video of you that I watched helped me be so incredibly well-prepared in court that I was able to win full, equal time with my little daughter.

I am so grateful to you for the way your research educated me as to exactly why I am so important to my daughter. It fueled me with inspiration and confidence, and educated me.

You also taught me so much about myself and how I should challenge my perceptions. For example, you challenged my perceptions about why my daughter’s mom is also so important to her. I imagine that what I learned about the importance of mom contributed to the judge having confidence that I would be a dad that would welcome and value mom’s involvement. Overall, your research addressed so many of the concerns the judge had. And your non-confrontational way of putting things allows everyone to hear that what you have to say benefits everyone.

The lawyers I had seen knew family law, but they couldn’t put together a good argument on the importance of a dad because they didn’t know the research. I guess what I am saying is that when I went to them for my expertise, they didn’t really understand exactly why dad is so important any more than I did—they just understood the law. Father and Child Reunion and the video explained our entire family’s dynamics and psychology so well it seemed you knew all of us.

With my deepest gratitude, I thank you.
Ty Harris,
Washington, D.C.
February 21, 2007