
The Gazette (Colorado), “Boys who hurt us are also boys who are hurt,” April 5, 2021.

Newsweek, “A Gender Policy Council That’s Sexist…and Racist?” Feb. 15, 2021.

Reinventing Home, “The Boy Crisis: Why We Need Dads at Home,” Valerie Andrews, Sept. 14, 2020.

The Australian, “Black Lives Matter, but Dads Should Matter First,” Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia (John Anderson) interviews Dr. Farrell , Sept, 5, 2020.

Anderson ranks Dr. Farrell as “one of the most remarkable people I have ever met”

Newsweek, “Meet the Man Leading the Charge on America’s Boy Crisis,” July 14, 2020.

The Daily Signal, “Why COVID-19 and Our Racial Divide Make This Father’s Day Significant,” June 19, 2020.

What’s missing when dad’s missing? Why “no child left behind” is an impossible goal when dad is left behind.

Townhall, “If Black Lives Matter, Black Dads Must Matter,” June 19, 2020.

Washington Examiner, “Rediscovering fatherhood in the plague year,” June 16, 2020.

Epoch Times interviews Dr. Warren Farrell on Mass Shooter Gabriel Wortman

Psychology Today: Dr. Farrell on COVID-19 and the “Gender Empathy Gap”