
Father and Child Reunion (downloadable eBook)

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.

Children with significant father involvement do better in more than thirty areas (e.g., social, such as empathy and assertiveness; psychological, such as less depression and less ADHD; and all academic areas).

However, many dads, not aware of what they do that contributes to these outcomes, or afraid of conflict with mom, withdraw from an active role in parenting – whether in an intact family, or after divorce. Father and Child Reunion helps moms and dads understand why the checks and balances of their different contributions are as important in raising a family as checks and balances are to governing a nation.

Father and Child Reunion gives every family concrete insights as to what to do if, for example, your child doesn’t like her or his teacher; is preoccupied with computer games; doesn’t help around the house; talks back disrespectfully, wants rights but not responsibilities,…. Drawing from research from around the world, Father and Child Reunion also lets parents of divorce know:

  • What three conditions must prevail if your child is to have the best chance of doing well psychologically, socially, academically and physically?
  • Is an excellent stepparent as good – or better than – a so-so biological parent?
  • If one parent has a job opportunity that will allow for the child to be in a nicer home and better school district, but it is across the country from the other parent, will moving be helpful to the child?
  • If your child can be in a ‘new intact family’ that’s peaceful and loving, but at a distance from a biological parent, is that better than being shuttled back-and-forth from mom to dad?
  • Are there certain advantages to your child being brought up primarily by mom, or primarily by dad? Does it make a difference if that child is a boy or a girl?
  • In high-conflict situations can shared parenting work for the child? If not, should the child be with the parent with whom the child has been living, or are there more important considerations?
  • How close to each other is it best for the parents to live?
  • At what age should a child’s parental preference be important? Which explanations for preference are actually signs the child should have more time with the other parent?
  • How important is overnight time with the child?

In the audio version, the highlights of Father and Child Reunion are recreated by Warren Farrell personally, and in dialogue form, as if you were having a conversation with him.

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