Dr. Farrell says failure to understand men hurts everyone. It makes women feel oppressed and angry; it makes men feel unloved and unappreciated. It fuels hate between the sexes at a point in history that would otherwise possess great potential for love between the sexes. It does this by keeping us ignorant of male pain and powerlessness. The Myth of Male Power is a captivating journey around the world, throughout history, biology, the Bible, the law, and everyday life, challenging every currently-held assumption about men, women and the family. It empowers both sexes to ask the questions we need to begin a genuine dialogue, such as: If men are the powerful sex…
Dr. Warren Farrell is the only man ever elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in New York City. He started more than 300 men and some 200 women’s groups. He is the developer of a new method of highly-effective couples’ communication, Cinematic Immersion. Dr Farrell has listened to both sexes for about a half century. Unique in his ability to write in a way that articulates men’s feelings, he helps women feel more love for the men in their lives. He helps us understand:
Dr. Farrell contends that the historic “battle of the sexes” has become a war in which men put their heads in the sand and hope the bullets will miss. He proposes neither a women’s movement blaming men nor a men’s movement blaming women, but a gender liberation movement that fosters a transition from rigid roles of our past to more flexible roles for our future. The potential? A transition in our love from that of role mates to soul mates. The Myth of Male Power focuses on men’s perspective to facilitate men’s voice, so there can be deeper dialogue, so there will be deeper love…