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Couples’ Communication

For the dates of Dr. Farrell’s next couples’ communication retreats, see Where Warren Will Be.

These videos will give you a feel for the retreat-in-action and its innovations:

Couples’ Communication

I conduct couples’ communication workshops around the country. See Where Warren Will Be for the next one. The least expensive option is a digital video course titled Role Mate to Soul Mate™. Alternatively, a couple may arrange to spend a weekend with me at my home in Mill Valley, CA. The process I’ve developed is best described in the first 87 pages of my book “Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say”. This process is called “The Communication-Without-Defensiveness Method,” and is designed to help couples respond non-defensively to personal criticism, even when it’s poorly given.

The couples course will also be available in book form, called Role Mate to Soul Mate™: The Seven Secrets to Overcoming the Barriers to Life Long Love. It will be released July 2024, by BenBella Press. 

For the best brief description of the couples’ workshop, click here.

– Dr. Warren Farrell

The comments below came from couples and individuals I worked with from 2008 to the present.

“I doubt there’s anybody on the planet who teaches Couples Communication better than Dr. Warren Farrell. Dr. Farrell is both an extraordinary thinker and human being—extremely compassionate and empathetic. He handles himself brilliantly.”

– Kiril Sokoloff, Chairman and Founder, 13D Research, November, 2020

“Warren, your unending brilliance is rivaled only by your infinite benevolence. Never before have I met such a comprehensively gentle yet fierce heart in a teacher. Subtle & sophisticated, your love pours out with every utterance and flows through ideas like artisan honey. You really have made relational safety into a high-artform. Being in your space is like waking up in an exquisite emotional womb…no need is too big, no idea ever unwelcome, just warmth and infinite support for ‘whatever is so’. To be held by you Warren is to be honored for our imperfection, revered for our raw beauty, and called into our highest, most creative self. Your judgment of others only seems to edify them. Thank-you for wanting to love us as your primary method of teaching.”

– Annie Lalla, Relationship Coach (Love Dojo), August, 2020

“Pat and I are doing spectacularly well since we took your workshop at Omega….Pat and I were separated for about a year and a half before we were at Omega with you. I asked him to move back in that weekend…. So — THANK YOU!!!”

– Linda W., New Jersey

“From beginning to end, I felt Warren created a safe and nurturing sanctuary to learn new skills that could deeply improve our relationship. It was one of the BEST workshops we’ve ever attended in 35 years.”

– J. Peters

“I met you as a man who loved Kim, but with a vision of myself as single and certainly not a dad. Your work—and especially your couples’ communication skills workshops—helped inspire Kim and me to marry (Kim helped too!). We now have two wonderful children who, were it not for you, would not be gracing this planet. Kim and I have just happily celebrated another Valentines Day as husband and wife. We thank you.”

– Eric Hornak & Kim Thompson

“Thank you for the incredibly insightful Couples’ Communication Workshop. The communication techniques you taught gave us the tools necessary to help break our destructive defensive patterns, and to learn how to work on the sustainability of our love for each other. The workshops’ Esalen location brought much peace and calm to us, setting the stage for inspired receptiveness of your teachings. We will forever be a work in progress, but we are now much better equipped for our relational journey ahead, thank you!
As I mentioned at the workshop, your book Father and Child Reunion helped me understand the importance of staying connected to my son Brendan during and after divorce, for a much better chance of him developing into the healthy young man he is today. I refused to allow my fatherhood to be usurped of my involvement. For that Warren you have my eternal gratitude and one more adjusted child on the planet!!!!”

– Andrea Furlong and Brian Foti 

“The workshop Dr. Farrell delivered was done with perfection! I know that is a strong word but how else would you describe taking away everything we needed in one short weekend! Thank you for boldly going where no-one else has before! As newlyweds we can now confidently use the tools we learned to nurture our marriage for the rest of our lives.”

– Shannon Saathoff

“I use your Cinematic Immersion process prior to each of our weekly meetings. …my marriage and the love I feel for Ron is so much deeper and stronger! The thing that I keep reflecting on is that Ron is willing to die for me. Knowing that makes it so easy to be willing to listen and hear Ron’s criticism.I also use your cinematic immersion for when I’m interacting with others. I am an assistant principal and many times I listen to angry parents and staff members. I now feel that I can listen less defensively. Yeah!

Last, I wanted to let you know that I requested to be reassigned to the classroom after two years as a school site administrator. After attending your workshop and feeling a deeper love for Ron and appreciation for him and my family, I want to be home more and just be more present and available to them. Our kids are in junior high and I don’t want to miss more time with them than I already have.I feel so happy, relieved and free! Thank you so much for your workshop! You helped me learn strategies to help me have a better relationship which saved my marriage and changed me as a person for the better.

I have recommended your workshop to others and I sincerely hope they attend. I wish Ron and I had attended your workshop 15 years ago!”

– Therese Brady

“Although we have been married for over 18 years, we were communicating in a random fashion, where sometimes it worked well, and sometimes it didn’t. Using the Cinematic Immersion Technique, we were able to move beyond our habitual patterns of discussing issues superficially or revisiting them without feeling respected to feeling loved, attentively listened to, and fully supported. Thank you for providing such valuable insights and empowering us with a systematic approach to guide our interactions so that we can realize our dreams and continue to progress and grow in a loving relationship.

– Rebecca Linquist

“The weekend my wife and I spent at Dr. Farrell’s home is priceless! I learned more about being a “man” in two days, than I have in my entire adult life. My big “take-aways” from this weekend are the “cinematic immersion technique” and “listening with loving eyes”… Wow, I am still working on perfecting these everyday, and what joy it is to see actual long-lasting positive change in my marriage.

Dr. Farrell is one of a kind! He is absolutely genuine and during our weekend together, made us feel like we were the only two people on Earth. It is still hard to believe he took two days of his schedule and devoted it to my wife’s and my relationship. Dr. Farrell not only saved my marriage, but in many more ways has saved my life.”

– Tony Fournier, Lt. Colonel, US Air Force

“My husband and I met with Dr. Farrell for a weekend at his home. While I was excited, I was also apprehensive. After all, we’d been in counseling for five years and participated in several “self awareness” seminars. It was amazing – the techniques Dr. Farrell teaches allows you to communicate openly, honestly, and without hesitation and to listen lovingly and without judgement. When you come from a place of love rather than judgement, the possibilities for your relationship are endless.

Our marriage is intact and significantly more fulfilling today because of the time we spent with Dr. Farrell. I thank him, my husband thanks him and my children than him – his help and expertise allowed us to become a happy, healthy and engaged family.”

– Janene Fournier

“I wanted to thank you for helping my son, husband and I learn how to use your communication techniques. It was an amazingly satisfying and useful experience – one that has had a profound effect on our relationships to one another. My husband and I were somewhat familiar with the technique having attended one of your seminars. We found it very useful for our marriage we wanted to extend it to help communication with our teenaged son.

Before the session, I appreciated your instruction on how introduce the idea to my son so that he agreed to participate, despite initial reservations and resistance. Not many teenagers want to spend any portion of their weekend learning how to communicate with their parents! By framing it properly I was able to appeal to his own desire to have better relationships with us, (his parents,) and with his all important peers.

When we had the session, I was amazed at how succinctly you were able to explain to our son how to utilize the technique and what he would get out of it. I was further amazed at how you were able to orchestrate a structured dialog with the three of us, letting our son take the lead, thus empowering him and inviting him to partake fully. I was amazed even further at how articulate my son actually is and how quickly he was able recall and convey a past event which he was upset about. And I was amazed again at how you were able guide my husband to respond, using the technique, in a way that deepened all three of our understandings of that particular event and the misunderstandings and miscommunications that occurred around it

At home, later that evening, when a small tension arose my son quickly implemented the technique – and successfully averted what, on any other night, would have devolved into a big family fight. We don’t have to use the technique that often — just knowing how to use it provides a safety net — we know that when things go badly we can rely upon this structured communication to slow down the interactions and to allow each of us to be heard, and to hear fully. Knowing you have the skill makes needing to use it less necessary.

Our family life the last couple of weeks since the session have been greatly improved. We are all less angry, less frustrated and far more productive in our work and school life. I think we will enjoy having sessions occasionally to “tune up” our communications, when needed.

I know much of your work has centered around couple’s communication. I wanted to encourage you to extend the practice to families, as much as possible. Especially blended families, and those with teenagers!

Thank you again, this was the best single thing we have done to improve our relationships. More effective than the family therapy we have done, and certainly complimentary to that process.”

– A.G., therapist

“Thank you for your gifts, wisdom and essence, making Esalen a “once in a lifetime” for me. Not only are you a gift to mankind, but womankind too.”

– Cathy Coleman

“I am a corporate coach at a large company. After I took the Couples Communication Workshop led by Warren Farrell, I was coaching two very intelligent managers who were having a major disconnect on an important project. The result could have been very harmful to the project and the career of at least one of the managers. I taught them to use Dr. Farrell’s Cinematic Immersion process. Their relationship was so turned around that the manager said he was amazed at how something so relatively simple and that did not require a “personality change” could have had such a positive effect on their relationship and the progress of the project. He laughed, “It was almost like I was cheating!”

– David Jeffers

“After my wife Chantal and I took your Couples’ Communication Seminar, as you know we got such extraordinary value from it that we took it a second time. Your workshop was the only thing that worked for us when nothing else had.

Your Cinematic Immersion technique and how you applied it got everyone to get beyond the often repetitious and superficial ways that most of us communicate, and not only put ourselves in the position of the person with whom we are communicating, but to feel the certainty of knowing that they have truly heard us. I’ve found your revolutionary approach to communication not only of amazing value to romantic couples, but also in my communication with friends and workplace colleagues. On the global stage, if everyone could study and master your techniques of communication, we could end all war within our lifetimes. These are among your greatest gifts to the world, perhaps your greatest. I only wish they were better known and more widely practiced.”

– Alan B., MD

“Before we got married, my husband and I had been single for most of our adult lives. While we both wanted to get married, the transition from a life of total independence to one of partnership was not an easy one for us. There were instances that we questioned our decision to move forward, and wondered at times, if we were a match. There were times that our attempts to work out our differences ended in heated arguments and a sense of hopelessness. We turned to Warren to help us work through our fears and challenges before our wedding.

The process that Warren teaches, helps you to put yourself in your partner’s shoes to better understand their story and not take things so personally. The techniques are not complicated but they certainly go against every impulse we have as human beings to “prove our point” and to be right. The process teaches you about acceptance, love, and creating a safe space to communicate –– the work that it takes to obtain real intimacy. We aren’t perfect at the process, nor do we ever expect to be, but the more we use it, the closer it brings us.

Warren is a very gifted facilitator that has the unique gift to help us understand both the male/female perspective, and how to connect on deeper levels. Without a doubt, our marriage has benefited from our work with Warren, and our communication skills keep getting better. He is a rare find and a true gift to couples that really want to embrace intimacy.”

– C.S.

“My experience working with Warren has been life changing both personally and professionally. My boyfriend, Jeff and I were at the place where our relationship was either going to end or had to change but we did not know how to make it work or look different. With a single session Warren taught us skills that will for ever change our relationship and my life. Warren had such a way to make us feel safe enough to really be honest with each other and ourselves. I felt that because I was a professional life coach that I was a good listener but I soon discovered a whole new way to communicate, with my heart, and what a difference it made. Jeff and I are still together and enjoy a healthy relationship today. We find that when misunderstandings come up that what Warren taught us is still very useful and valuable and easy for us to use. Working with Warren was an amazing experience that I would recommend to any couple.”

– Sherri Hughes

“My girlfriend Sherri and I had hit a wall, you know – “that wall”. Warren offered to have a session with us and I went along with it even though I was skeptical. I wondered, “How much can be accomplished in a one-time, single hour session?” Well the session was three hours long and my world has changed forever. It was/is simple – but profound and is described in detail in the first 80 pages or so in his book, Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say. Warren guided us and it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced..safety, love, emotional connection, really being heard – oh my God. Now I get what all the fuss is about and I had no idea. My world has been all about fear, mistrust, and logic and boy was I missing the point. The concept that relating comes from the experience of emotional connection has come to light for me. How poignant it is to understand this and to realize I’ve been out of the loop my entire life – ouch. The astounding thing is that this can (conceptually) be replicated with anyone anywhere. My life will be forever changed. I am grateful.”

– JS

The best way to help your children is to save your marriage, and the best way I know of to save your marriage is to use this method of communication. However, if your marriage can absolutely not be saved, continue reading.

Expert Witness

How to Save Your Children if you Can’t Save Your Marriage

“Dr. Warren Farrell is the greatest expert on the importance of fathers. His DVD, “The Best Interests of the Child”, is incredible. Just incredible. It is chock full of insights and information. It is priceless.”

—Steve Ashley | Director of Divorced Fathers Network and Radio Show | Santa Cruz, CA

Step 1: Order an Expert Witness Kit (Evidence Kit) 

When you order this “Evidence Kit,” you’ll have everything you need to help the court understand exactly why the best parent is both parents.

The Evidence Kit includes:

  • One copy of Dr. Warren Farrell’s The Boy Crisis and one copy of Father and Child Reunion. For years we had theories; now we have answers. The Boy Crisis and Father and Child Reunion together document more than 50 developmental areas in which dad-deprived children are more likely to suffer. There’s no reason for your child’s life to be damaged by ignorance. (See below for more details.)
  • 3 USB Flash Drives with mp4 files of “The Best Interests of the Child.” In “The Best Interests of the Child” Dr. Farrell is cross-examined on virtually every question that might arise in court when the question of whether both parents should be equally involved is at issue. For example, if the parents are in high conflict, or one wishes to move away for a new job, spouse, etc. The “Kit” contains three USB Flash Drive sets because you usually need three sets to submit as evidence; one for you, one for the other parent’s attorney, and one for the court. Dr. Farrell strongly recommends you watch this video with your attorney when you give a copy to him or her. (Note that many courts will not accept this as evidence except in conjunction with an expert witness.)
  • Included in your confirmation email for the expert witness kit will be “Expert Evidence Kit Downloads” or case law documents governing parental rights with over 250 case citations for use in your case and court submissions.
  • Dr. Warren Farrell’s findings on “The Four Must-Do’s of Divorce,” included in The Boy Crisis book.

Step 2: If needed, involve me.

Dear Parent,

Most judges and helping professionals know children of divorce do better when raised by both parents. However, when a mom feels “it would be best for my children to live with me,” and the judge witnesses parents in conflict, or the mom cites fear of the husband, or a “need” to move away, or a need for stability, even professionals assume she knows best. In the process, they may miss cues that reveal her territoriality (such as saying “my children”) and hints of her underlying resistance to genuine shared parenting.

Why is it some moms’ resistance to genuine shared parenting is so easily missed? Because our understanding of a dad’s contribution runs so shallow. Even the dad doesn’t understand what the research shows about exactly how children benefit from his involvement. And moms can’t hear what dads don’t say.

My decade of research, which generated the book Father and Child Reunion, changes that. It creates such depth of understanding about the value of dad-as-equal that it shocks even dads. For example, did you know that children raised primarily by dads do better than children raised primarily by moms? Neither does your attorney. Nor your judge.

More important, Father and Child Reunion and the Evidence Kit will help you understand why dads are so crucial. For example, the more exposure to dad, the more empathetic your children are likely to be. Do you know why? Or why a dad’s equal involvement is likely to reduce your child’s propensity for ADHD, drugs, delinquency, depression, disobedience, temper tantrums, nightmares, divorce, low self-esteem, teenage pregnancy, self-centeredness, poor social development, and underachievement in every academic area? (And that’s just for starters!).

Because it is hard to imagine how an attorney might translate a book into questions for an expert witness in court, I created the CD and DVD “The Best Interests of the Child.” This allows the attorney to understand what questions to ask and the answers I give that most inspire the judge to question the assumption that “mom knows best.”

The evidence kit will cost you $149, less than a half hour of my time. I may—or may not—be available as an expert witness. You’ll get a sense as to whether I am the right person for you when you’ve reviewed at least the CD and the first two chapters of Father and Child Reunion. (My email address is warren@warrenfarrell.com.) But if there’s even a small chance you and the mom (or dad) can resolve your parenting issues by communication rather than litigation, you’ll give your children the gift of knowing how to amicably resolve differences. And you’ll model for your children how, if they cannot save their future marriage, they can nevertheless save their children. In brief, I’d much prefer to be used to facilitate your communication (see top of page).

—Dr. Warren Farrell | Author

Outcomes for Children After Expert Witness Testimony

Of the last eleven dads I worked with, ten received equal or near-equal parenting time from the court. Several of the dads’ attorneys saw virtually no chance the court would grant their client visitation rights beyond every other weekend. In one Texas case a father who ordered the “Evidence Kit” won the return of his child in a landmark decision. I’m not just here for dads, though. I possess an equal desire to help any mom whose children are being deprived of her equal involvement by their father. It’s really all about helping the kids.

The following unedited response is from a police officer and father in Ohio:

“My name is Kyle Gray. My daughter was 20 months old before I ever had the opportunity to spend “daddy-daughter time” one-on-one with my child. Dr. Farrell was the biggest proponent to this happening. His passion to help anyone overcome a biased court system, to parent their child is truly a blessing. He has used his experience, knowledge, education, and moral sense to mend broken hearts and homes. His mere presence showed my Judge the passion, desire and love that I have for my little girl. Dr. Farrell flew to Cincinnati, testified, and was also ordered by the Judge, to observe me with my daughter. At the point we showed up to see her, it had been 6 months since I last saw her. It will be a memory I will never forget, and I owe this to Warren. Without his help I am certain that my outcome would have been different. I currently reside in a county that overwhelmingly favors a mother-custody arrangement. Dr. Farrell “set ’em straight.” I currently have over 40% of my daughter’s time, to show her, love her, teach her, and grow her.

I owe Dr. Farrell a huge gratitude, because my case is not over yet, and this is my “starting point.” As a police officer, I witness the horrible things that children do to compensate for the lack of a paternal influence. With God’s help, a good attorney (God bless MJ Donovan) and Dr. Farrell, I will not stop until the Judges and Magistrates of these communities realize the harm that they are doing to our children. If there is any way possible that I can help anyone who is trying to see their child, please contact me, and I will point you to Dr. Warren Farrell.”

—Kyle Gray | Ohio

“I was able to submit the DVD into evidence and the Judge took high interest.”

—Paul O | Utah

Expert Witness on Gender Pay Discrimination

I can testify as to why gender pay discrimination cannot be assumed just because more men—or women—are at the top of a corporate ladder.

My book, Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap—and What Women Can Do About It (2005) documents that men and women do 25 different behaviors in the workplace, each of which leads to men earning more money, and to women having more balanced lives (between family and work). This creates the appearance of discrimination against men, but when men and women work equal hours at the exact same job in the same company with equal responsibilities, equal willingness to travel, relocate, be flexible (come in Saturdays when needed), then it appears women currently earn more than men.

In brief, I can let the court know what must be evaluated before a company can fairly be sued for discrimination.

My background with companies includes being chosen by the Financial Times as one of the world’s top 100 thought leaders. See Corporate Bio.

If you have questions, feel free to email me at warren@warrenfarrell.com.

—Warren Farrell, Ph.D.

The Liberated Fan: Resources

Warren Farrell’s Resources

Boys’ Issues

Shared Parenting/Shared Child Custody

Essential Information and Resources for Men at Any Stage of Divorce


Men’s Issues/Gender Issues

Domestic Violence

Other Resources

Recommended Books

Warren Farrell’s TEDx Talk on The Boy Crisis


Part I
Warren Farrell, Ph.D.

for the principles behind “cinematic immersion,” 

see Warren Farrell, Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say

Falling in love is natural; sustaining love is unnatural. Which is why sustaining love requires both an art and discipline: The art of love. And the discipline of love.


Father and Child Reunion (defunct)

How To Bring The Dads We Need To The Children We Love
(NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam; January, 2001)
Click here to order via Amazon
For the Fathers’ Day eBook special,click here (Kindle) or here (Nook) !
Often, on Father’s Day, we give our dad a Hallmark-type card. This Father’s Day you can give him a book that will help him understand his own contribution to your life, and help him feel the love a dad feels when he knows his child “gets” his best intent. And remember, you can give this to your husband, son, brother…



Click here to view quotes from Dr. Warren Farrell’s books on Wikiquotes!
Click here for a 2011 audio interview with Warren Farrell providing a brief summary of the contents of his books.


Speaking Topics

Warren Farrell keynoting (along with Deepak Chopra, etc.) an international conference of spiritual leaders, 2010.
Warren Farrell keynoting (along with Deepak Chopra, etc.) an international conference of spiritual leaders, 2010.

For Warren’s upcoming speaking:  Where Warren Will Be

Amazing presentation. One of the finest on any topic I’ve ever heard, and certainly the finest of anything gender-related I’ve ever heard. Your balance of anecdote and statistics was perfect; your statistics were so powerful, and your listening skills superlative–NO one handles Q&A better than you. (I love your giving audience members a crack at an audience question before you tackle it. Brilliant!) I would guess that your talk yielded a greater amount of pre-post-presentation change than any I’ve heard.”

– Marty Nemko, Contributing Editor, U.S. News and World Report. Talk show host on careers on NPR and KOGO (San Francisco)

“Your talk was the hit of the Global Women’s Conference for BP. Word got out, and this one sold out in two hours. Many participants commented that it was the best presentation BP had ever sponsored. Your presentation has opened my eyes–and the eyes of so many.”

– British Petroleum/Beyond Petroleum, Lori Jochum, Organizer

“Your session was a great success…your research and clarity is both credible and disarming.”

– Bell Atlantic, Human Resources, Dan Currie, Organizer

Warren Farrell conducting audience participation exercise at University of Toronto, November 16, 2012. Topic: The Boy Crisis
Warren Farrell conducting audience participation exercise at University of Toronto, November 16, 2012. Topic: The Boy Crisis

Warren speaks and consults on the topics of each of his five latest books:
Why Men Earn More

  • Women in Business Conferences
  • Consulting and expert witness to companies involved in gender pay equity disputes
  • Career Conferences (book chosen by U.S. News and World Report as one of the four great career books to be read in 2006)

How to Become Successful at Work without Failing at Home

  • “Gender Pay Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: How Your Company Can Prevent Law Suits Without Being Paralyzed by the Fear of Law Suits”
  • (Dr. Farrell’s Ph.D. is in Political Science, with an emphasis in Constitutional Law)

Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say

  • Making Human Resources User-Friendly to Men

Father and Child Reunion

  • For parents desiring equal involvement with children after divorce
  • For psychologists and legal professionals on what the research shows on the importance to children of equal father involvement

Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say

  • Couples’ Communication Workshops
  • Workshops for companies and professional groups on communication
  • Domestic violence prevention

The Myth of Male Power

  • Conferences on Men and Masculinity; Sexuality; Law; and Psychology
  • Universities

Why Men Are the Way They Are

  • Conferences on male-female issues
  • Self-Debates (I use two podiums to debate myself as a feminist and masculist)
  • Universities

See Warren’s Farrell’s bio for corporate speaking.


Why Warren Is The Way He Is

Warren Farrell, PhD, has been chosen by the Financial Times of London as one of the world’s top 100 thought leaders. His books are published in 19 languages. They include The New York Times bestseller Why Men Are the Way They Are, and the international bestseller The Myth of Male Power.

Dr. Farrell presented the findings of The Boy Crisis (2018) worldwide, from the White House to the Norwegian Parliament. It was a catalyst for bipartisan legislation for father involvement in Florida.

Warren and Liz in Scandinavia in 2013
Warren and Liz in Scandinavia in 2013

Dr. Farrell’s most recent book, Role Mate to Soul Mate: The Seven Secrets to Lifelong Love (2024), is based on his teaching couples’ communication for the past 30 years to more than a thousand couples and psychologists.

Warren Farrell has been a pioneer in both the women’s movement (elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in NYC) and the men’s movement (called by GQ “The Martin Luther King of the men’s movement”). He advocates for a “Gender Liberation Movement, freeing both sexes from the rigid roles of the past.” His life journey is the subject of a forthcoming documentary.

L to R: Liz Dowling (Warren’s wife); Warren; and daughters, Erin and Alex.
L to R: Liz Dowling (Warren’s wife); Warren; and daughters, Erin and Alex.

Dr. Farrell has been interviewed repeatedly by Oprah, Barbara Walters, Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson, and also by Peter Jennings, Sean Hannity, Katie Couric, Larry King, Regis Philbin, and Charlie Rose. He has frequently written for and been featured in The New York Times and publications worldwide. Warren has two daughters and lives with his wife in Mill Valley, California, and virtually at warrenfarrell.com.

Warren’s Corporate BioQuotes from Dr. Warren Farrell’s Books

TEDx Talk: A Sobering look at the State of our Boys